Ricky Onsman, SDSP

Standards Development Stewardship Panel

Ricky Onsman, Technical Content Writer, TPGi

I’ve worked in digital accessibility for 20 years, initially as a freelance web designer / front end developer focused on building accessible websites for commercial, corporate, government and personal clients, then as an accessibility specialist focused on remediating accessibility issues on existing websites, and then working as an auditor, writer, editor, and QA specialist for a range of digital accessibility agencies. This has culminated in my present position in the Knowledge Center at TPGi, where for the past three years I have shared responsibility for writing the rules, assertions, solutions, and techniques used in automated and manual testing by our team of accessibility engineers, based on my interpretation of WCAG and related standards.

TPGi is a leading provider of digital accessibility services to a range of clients around the world and is also a major source of guidance on digital accessibility issues to the general public. As such, we have an abiding interest in and commitment to developing industry standards, including those proposed by SAR, Inc. TPGi’s Knowledge Center was set up to aggregate, consolidate and disseminate our understanding of digital accessibility, including appropriate standards. As part of the Vispero corporation, we also have a close working relationship with Freedom Scientific, vendor of JAWS screen reading software and related assistive technology.