Standard Accessibility Reporting, Inc.

Consumers demand accessibility.

We’re creating the standards to rate the accessibility of everyday products.

Prototype of a product label for a washing machine displaying scores for various disability categories as well as an overall star rating.
Sample accessibility scorecard, shown here as a label for a consumer product.

For consumers with disabilities, it’s difficult to know in advance if a product will work given their needs. 

The reason?  

Few manufacturers report the level of accessibility of their products. What little reporting we have isn’t standardized.

We’re creating a rating score that’s easy to understand and lets a consumer know the accessibility of a product to help them decide to try, buy, or use. A scale from one to five, or a star rating… where you‘d expect to find consumer product reviews, or ratings for accessibility — like a simple label or a scorecard.


Getting products and services to work for me

When you buy a technology for your home or work, aren’t you frustrated not knowing in advance how accessible it will be for you?

We’re standardizing how accessibility gets scored.

How you can help us help you ›


Good for business

If your business is currently investing in inclusion and accessibility, a standard scoring system will support your mission. 

Show your customers you are leading through your high scores. You can help craft the scoring system.

Help to lead the way ›


A quicker path to accessibility conformance

In our work, we need a scoring system to know winning products from losing products. 

You can participate and join the development and implementation of scoring standards.

Help to level the playing field ›

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Standard Accessibility Reporting, Inc. is a registered charity under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Service Code.